Monday, July 26, 2010

Part 1 Retreat and Gurupoormina

On the move again- this time to nt' Shonalanga, nestled in the Schurweberg Valley, on the banks of the Hennops River. The 3-Day Part 1 Retreat was a great success, with 40 participants- one of whom was my partner Richard ( now a Kriya-initiate ;-) While he was in sessions- I was making light-work with Sri Sri Ayurveda Treatments, which was equally a success, with my days being fully-booked... Treating both Course participants and visitors from the Pretoria AOL Chapters. The long-weekend ended with a Gurupoornima Maha-Satsang, to celebrate this auspicious time of the year. For me the weekend was not only about reflecting on my Spiritual Growth over the past year, but also a time to connect to the beautiful nature surrounds and make new friends!

Goood Mooorning nt' Shonalanga

Kum-Kum & Sandal, Insence and Candel ;-)

Massage space

Blessings for Gurupoornima...