Thursday, July 30, 2009

Berlin by night... A Church destroyed in the War and the memorial erected in remembernce!

SA Embasey... Berlin!

Home is where the Heart is...

They say that home is where the heart is... And from my expereince- I have to agree ;-) When I arrived in Hamburg- I wanted up put down roots immediately... Making my room confortable, sourcing the best value Bio shops & products, networking & looking for a Part-time job and even going so far as to "shop" for a bank account!! It was also important for me to speak the language- though that was not really necessary- since soo many people speak good English here. Finally, I signed up for a 6 week German Intensive Course and proceeded with my integration- so to speak.

On this Course I met soo many good friends- though learning the language was VERY difficult!! For the first 3 weeks I was still speaking English in class- some days crying, since I did not get a thing & then finally one day it all fell into place- just before the exam I might add ;-) During our holidays- I took a trip to Berlin, where I was looking forward to Vote in the SA Election... Unfortunatley, due to a silly technicality I was not able to- I must say, that my heart was broken and it was then that I realised I should have come "home"... However, I decided to make the best of the trip and put my German speaking skills into practice!

I came back to Hamburg and feeling lost, uncertain about my future and asking "why was I here in the first place?" As usual, the timing was right and a phone call from Karin, asking me to come home to Bad Antogast was just what I needed... Again, I could do SEVA in Ayurveda and Travel- this time to amazing Arosa, Switzerland :-)