Thursday, July 30, 2009

Home is where the Heart is...

They say that home is where the heart is... And from my expereince- I have to agree ;-) When I arrived in Hamburg- I wanted up put down roots immediately... Making my room confortable, sourcing the best value Bio shops & products, networking & looking for a Part-time job and even going so far as to "shop" for a bank account!! It was also important for me to speak the language- though that was not really necessary- since soo many people speak good English here. Finally, I signed up for a 6 week German Intensive Course and proceeded with my integration- so to speak.

On this Course I met soo many good friends- though learning the language was VERY difficult!! For the first 3 weeks I was still speaking English in class- some days crying, since I did not get a thing & then finally one day it all fell into place- just before the exam I might add ;-) During our holidays- I took a trip to Berlin, where I was looking forward to Vote in the SA Election... Unfortunatley, due to a silly technicality I was not able to- I must say, that my heart was broken and it was then that I realised I should have come "home"... However, I decided to make the best of the trip and put my German speaking skills into practice!

I came back to Hamburg and feeling lost, uncertain about my future and asking "why was I here in the first place?" As usual, the timing was right and a phone call from Karin, asking me to come home to Bad Antogast was just what I needed... Again, I could do SEVA in Ayurveda and Travel- this time to amazing Arosa, Switzerland :-)

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