Monday, October 22, 2007


When I arrived in India, I was met but the warmth and stuffiness of the monsoon... I caught a Gov Pre-paid Taxi and we zig-zagged through the city, dodging potholes, pedestrians and animals. All you can hear is the tooting of horns and sounds of scooters... You also get real close to your fellow travellers as the vehicles stop uncomfortably close to one-another!
On arrival at the safety of the Ashram, I was met with a welcoming smile and shown to my room, which is simple, but adequate... My roommate is as pedantic about order and time as I am. So, after a brief negotiation, we agreed on shower times, who was going to buy toilet-paper, whose lockers are whose and sharing of tea, hot water and honey. We both love our hot drinks! The food is just up my alley and in abundance!
The Advanced Course in Silence was awesome. Silence brings up one's suppressed emotion, as you are encouraged to be with your own process. It relaxes the mind too. At times I was brought to tears, especially when I joined in the traditional dancing after Satsang! Everyone is sooo friendly and warm and I truly feel like I'm a part of a One World Family! The morning Poojhas are an experience in themselves and there are no words to describe, as one goes into a deep meditation at times.
I've met soo many people from other countries, both here for Navratri and other courses on offer... It's soo wonderful to be with like-minded people!

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